Chances are you’ve heard of sidemount diving. It’s not new and been around as long as cave divers have used these techniques to get to remote places. Now evolved, sidemount diving has taken it’s place as one of the most popular ways to carry more than one tank. Perfect for those looking for some extra bottom time or wanting to progress diving further.
The range of sidemount rigs available is now huge and it can be a minefield selecting the right one for your diving environment with each one having it’s strengths and weaknesses. We’re pleased to offer the most comprehensive range of sidemount diving courses available from multiple agencies at both recretional, technical and advanced technical levels.

Our sidemount course offerings are the largest in Australia
SSI Recreational Sidemount Diver
PADI Sidemount Diver
PADI Tec Sidemount Diver
SDI Recreational Sidemount DIver
TDI Techinical Sidemount Diver
TDI Advanced Technical Sidemount DIver